Thursday, April 2, 2020

My Project

Hello, my name is Hanne and this project is my Girl Scout Silver Award. For my project, I am recruiting people to help sew masks for hospitals because they are in desperate need due to the Covid19 crisis. My Mom and I were already sewing masks for Concord Hospital in NH, and so I decided to include this work in my Silver Award.

We started sewing masks in mid-March when we saw desperate pleas from hospitals. So far I have donated 70 masks to Concord Hospital. 

Here are some pictures:

That is me sewing.

Here are some finished masks.

This is a mask that is in the process of being sewn.

If you are interested in helping to sew or provide supplies please contact me at


  1. I am one of Hanne's leaders as well as a physician in Concord,NH. Hanne's mask project will serve as a useful addition to manufactured masks used by healthcare providers. The surgical masks and respirator masks used in hospitals are high tech and are up to 95% effective against inhaled viruses and bacteria. Cloth masks are not nearly as good for that purpose however they are very good for containing droplets which is also important in stopping disease spread. The cloth masks can be worn but people who are not caring for patients but who also work in the hospital and may be infected and could spread the virus by coughing or sneezing on others. The cloth masks will keep droplets from going into the environment and infecting others. By using the cloth masks these personnel won't have to use the higher tech masks and they can be saved for the nurses, doctors, and respiratory tech who need them the most. These masks will help in the fight against Covid19. In a way in is reminiscent of earlier Girl Scouts rolling bandages to be used for our soldiers in the world wars. Girl Scouts have always been among the first to come to the aid of the first responders in our community.

  2. In addition to the above comments I want to add that the cloth masks can also be used to cover the N95 masks worn by medical professionals when treating infected and potentially infected patients. This can extend the use of the N95 mask if it must be worn for multiple hours or days. The cloth mask can be removed after seeing the patient, washed and replaced with a fresh cloth mask. So there are many ways these masks can be effective in fighting covid19.

  3. Good afternoon-
    Very impressive work! I learned a few good tricks, which I will use to modify my "much more complicated" pattern, and that will help to keep my family and friends safe!
    Thank you!
